Offshore Oil and Gas production presents one of the most challenging environments for operators. These challenges are further enhanced when the crude oil is high in Paraffin molecules C20 or Asphaltenes. NAUTILUS E&P™ will resolve most of these problems where chemicals have proven inefficient. It is an efficient Paraffin and Asphaltenes dissolver, and will target exclusively the Paraffin molecules C20 and larger.

NAUTILUS E&P™ is formulated to combine the actions of both NAUTILUS E&P™ . As a pour point depressant, NAUTILUS E&P™ has been proven to bring the pour point temperatures of very heavy crude oils from as high as +48oC to as low as +7oC within short periods of time depending on the conditions of the reservoir. This effect is irreversible and the Crude oil will maintain the new Pour Point. Continuous treatment of the wells with NAUTILUS E&P™ will ensure seamless flow operations across the production system. For a complimentary assessment of the treatment of your well please fill in the Well Evaluation Form Offshore.
NAUTILUS E&P™ Oil and Gas production has its own challenges. Apart from Paraffin and Asphaltenes issues, corrosion is a common and costly occurrence. NAUTILUS E&P™ will clean the walls of the tubing in the well, and create a thin film that will prevent the corrosion agents from undertake their destructive action. For a complimentary assessment of the treatment of your well please fill in the Well Evaluation Form Onshore.